For Immediate Release – July 11, 2023
John Feather
[email protected]
Bastrop – Bastrop County Cares opened applications for a successor to retiring executive director Debbie Bresette. Bresette will retire effective January 2024, ending a seven-year tenure with the organization.
Bastrop County Cares (BCC) is seeking a trusted and mission-driven leader who deeply understands community needs to be its Executive Director. The successful candidate will be a strong communicator who is strategic and focused. Building on existing BCC strengths, the Executive Director should be a servant leader and a visionary, but also a result-oriented person who can create an organizational culture of accountability and sustainability.
The job description and information for interested parties is available on the BCC website at
“This is an exciting time for Bastrop County Cares as we work to execute the strategic plan the BCC Board recently adopted,” said BCC Board Chairman, Catherine Pressler. “We are grateful for Debbie’s leadership over the past seven years and wish her all the best in retirement. Change is never easy, but we are confident in the Search Committee’s experience to find a dynamic, community-minded individual to lead the organization into its next chapter of service to Bastrop County.”
Review of applications will begin immediately with a final decision expected by mid-fall but will continue on a confidential basis until an appointment is made. All applications must be submitted by close of business, Friday, September 8, 2023, for consideration.
For immediate consideration please send your resume, cover letter that explains how the candidate’s experience and skills would meet the needs of BCC, and salary requirements in a WORD.docx format to Dr. John Feather via email at [email protected] and use the subject title: “BCC ED SEARCH.” Candidates can send questions to Dr. Feather at the same email.
About Bastrop County Cares
Bastrop County Cares, a nonprofit organization, is a county-wide partnership working to develop comprehensive community initiatives by identifying community priorities, collecting and analyzing data, and bringing together collaborative partnerships that will result in community solutions. We identify large community issues that one organization cannot tackle on its own and build public will, advance policy, and mobilize and leverage funding.