Together we can build healthy brains for all Bastrop County kids.

Thank you for taking the pledge to build healthy brains. As a community member, here’s what you can do to continue to support our work:

  • Help us spread the word about building healthy brains and encourage your friends and family to take the pledge with you.
  • Do what you can (big or small!) to support the children in our community. 
  • Follow us on social media to learn more about how you can help children be safe, healthy, and school ready.
  • Choose to shop in/support businesses with the Best Place for Working Parents® designation.
  • Invite a friend to take the pledge by sharing this message (either on social media or via text message/email):
    I hope you’ll join me in becoming a Brain Builder! Today’s children determine tomorrow’s future. When we ensure that all children in Bastrop County get off to a strong start, we ensure that Bastrop County will thrive in the future. Take the pledge to be a brain builder at