Small things you do when your kids are little, help them so much later on. As a parent, here’s what you can do to help your child build a healthy brain:
-Even if you only have 2 minutes, talk with your child -it builds their brain! Talking with your little ones during diaper changes, cooking, and bath time builds strong brains.
-Get parenting tools and techniques appropriate to your child’s age by signing up for Ready4K – just text BCC to 70138 to begin receiving parenting tips and local resources in English or Spanish.
-Follow us on social media to stay connected with what’s happening in Bastrop County to build healthy brains. We’re on Facebook and Instagram.
-Invite a friend to take the pledge by sharing this message (either on social media or via text message/email):
I hope you’ll join me in becoming a Brain Builder! Today’s children determine tomorrow’s future. When we ensure that all children in Bastrop County get off to a strong start, we ensure that Bastrop County will thrive in the future. Take the pledge to be a brain builder at