On Friday, November 10, 2023, the Change Agents and Parent Ambassadors of Bastrop County Cares gathered for a transformative experience at the “Sit A Spell” Community Asset Building and Training. Facilitated by Ronnie & Ty McDonald of The Raunch Group, this event marked a pivotal moment for these community leaders dedicated to making a positive impact in their neighborhoods.
Change Agents are the heartbeat of their communities, driven by a deep care for their neighbors and friends. These natural-born leaders aspire to bring about positive change where they live, work, pray, and play. The “Sit A Spell” event provided them with the tools and insights needed to elevate their roles as community advocates.
Consequences and Impact: Empowering Change Agents
The outcomes of the training session were impactful. Change Agents left the event empowered to identify assets within their underserved communities. They were equipped with essential skills, including building meaningful relationships, organizing community conversations, and developing innovative, systemic, and sustainable solutions to close equity gaps.
Importantly, Change Agents now play a key role in identifying community leaders and organizers actively engaging with local government and health-focused nonprofit leadership throughout Bastrop County. The ripple effect of this empowerment is expected to lead to positive, lasting changes in the county.
What’s Next?
The journey has just begun for this group. They are taking the initiative to get to know their neighbors on a personal level, hosting community conversations that encourage meaningful engagement, and actively increasing access to resources. Their collective goal is to build capacity for families and communities through effective leadership.
In understanding the power of community leadership, let us work together to create positive and lasting change. By doing so, we contribute to a future where every voice is heard, and every community thrives.
Learn more about the Bastrop County Cares Change Agents